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A self-avowed bookworm ever since I can remember. Now, I make a living encouraging teenagers to read books. :) 


YA fantasy is always my jam. I also dabble in science fiction, history or historical fiction, romance, nonfiction, and religious and spiritual, and self-help books. 

Currently reading

Neal Stephenson
Practical Theology: Spiritual Direction from St. Thomas Aquinas
Peter Kreeft


The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society - Mary Ann Shaffer, Annie Barrows

This is a lovely piece of epistolary and historical fiction that focuses on the German occupation of the (British) Channel Islands during WWII, a part of that historical time period that I knew little about.

It's also got a delightful heroine, thoughtful friendships, a simmering romance, and is basically a love letter to books as well.

Worth the read.